Disgusting! Even poor Rascal can't believe it! If I fell on the poor guy, I would have probably killed him. I was at my all time high of 249lbs. I went on a pre-surgery diet and lost a few pounds.
The day finally arrived to have the surgery (which I had been waiting on for the last 7 weeks, but could not do because of Probation training). We arrived at Baptist Hospital at around 6AM. Boy was I nervous. They let Andy come back with me for a little while and the Dr. came in and wheeled me away. The last thing I remember after taking a very awesome drug called Versed, was telling the Dr. to bring his "A Game" to the table and giving him orders to cut really well. I looked up at those big lights and I was out for the next 5 hrs. (3 for surgery and 2 for recovery). I woke up in the recovery room with a very bossy nurse telling me to be still and go back to sleep. I was trying to tell the woman that I had a cramp in my shoulder, but she just would not listen. They finally took me to my room in the Stich Center where I would remain for the next 3 days. Andy and mom were waiting on me. Mom immediately got me up out of the bed because I was in so much pain from the gas (gastric bypass is done laproscopicly) that was under my ribs. Every breath was extremely painful. They told me walking would relieve it. I could imagine how funny it looked for mom and Andy trying to drag me around the room with my head flopping around because I was still under some anestesia. They said I was talking about some pretty wild stuff, but I don't remember it. I spent the day just trying to get my senses back and get rid of that horrible shoulder and neck pain. The Dr. said I was doing good and he tested me for leaks in the OR and found none. He just encouraged me to walk as much as possible to prevent blood clots. I had come this far and darn it, I was not going to die from a blood clot! So we walked. I had nothing to eat this day and DID NOT WANT ANYTHING TO EAT!
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