Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 4 - At home

I honestly felt like I had been hit by a truck. My entire body ached. Still, I was refusing the Vicodan and taking the Tylenol. I questioned if they did surgery out on I-40 and let a few vehicles run over me during the process. I know...I should have given in to the opiates. I got to take a shower yesterday and today. That was awesome! Just 4 little holes in me. (Except for the big drain "bullet" hole. Today I continued on my applejuice, water, and I began my protein. My favorite thing in the world is popcicles (sugar free). They are the bomb! Still, I eat and drink very little. I am on a purely liquid diet. Some friendly church members brought in some wonderful comfort food for Andy and the kids. Chicken casserole, mashed potates, and corn. Yuck! The smell almost gagged me. I wanted no part of it. It was pretty, but it just turned my stomach to think about it. Which I am grateful for. That would be misery to be hungry for something that you cannot have. Dr. McNatt was right. No desire to eat. I am getting around somewhat better today and my head is clearing. Back and shoulder hurt..probably from holding up my big old head so much. I can't lay down.

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